Optomec’s New LENS Laser Deposition Head Offers Configurable Optics for Optimized DED Processing Across a Range of Laser Power

A global supplier of production-grade additive manufacturing systems for the 3D printing of metals, on October 15, 2019, announced the new LENS Laser Deposition Head (LDH 3.X), with a variable optics system that can create three discreet focused spot sizes to accommodate changes in laser power. The LDH 3.X supports a wide range of laser powers from 500 W to 3 kW to ensure optimal DED processing across a range of parts and applications.Optomec’s new LDH 3.X laser deposition head allows maximum flexibility for optimal DED building over a full range of laser powers. Image via:Optomecs

“As metal additive manufacturing users continue to seek higher laser powers, faster speeds, and improved deposition rates to maximize production, they don’t want to sacrifice the quality of the build. Controlling power density during processing becomes a critical factor,” said Tom Cobbs, LENS product manager at Optomec. “The new LDH 3.X is a marked advancement in sophistication for DED processing. Its versatility, robustness, and ease-of-use empower the user to control laser power density at the workpiece for optimal results across a wide range of industrial applications.”

 Harnessing higher laser power for optimal DED processing

The wide range of laser powers supported by the LDH 3.X is enabled by an advanced cooling system that allows for high-power duty cycles, and variable optics the user can control to keep processing optimal over the full range of laser power. With improved channeling for water cooling the head, the LDH 3.X will not overheat while operating at high powers and for long build times. Adding to the versatility of the head, the new LDH 3.X has a quick connect/disconnect nozzle system allowing for interchanging of nozzle types depending on the application (i.e. 4-tip, coax, high overhang, etc.)

By enabling users to vary the optics, create multiple focused laser spot sizes, use interchangeable nozzles and work with a range of laser powers, the LDH 3.X is effective for a variety of industrial applications including small to large builds, high deposition rates at high powers, repairs, coatings, and cladding operations. With LDH 3.X, a 0.6 mm focused spot size can be chosen for processing smaller parts or intricate feature building, then switched to 2 or 3 mm focused spot sizes for increased laser powers for larger builds or clad type operations.

The Optomec LENS LDH 3.X is available immediately for most Optomec LENS system models at a starting price of $10,000 to upgrade from LDH 2.0. Variable optics and nozzle types are sold separately. Material starter recipes are available to help speed adoption.

Source: optomecs 

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